Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Faith Wears Pink Christmas Tree

I had a wonderful time getting to know these ladies. It all started from someone adding me to the facebook group. I was so amazed to hear other women stories, journeys and cancer diagnoses. For the first time in a long time, I felt NORMAL. We were able to show our boobs and scars like hand bags. I guess that's the joy of being around women who share similarities. This night represented so much more than just showing of boob jobs. It represented the struggles, countless surgeries, chemotherapy and those who are no longer with us today because of breast cancer.

There was a story that stood out to me. One lady spoke about meditation and she never meditated a day before in her life but hell she said, lol I guess I could give it a try. She said she close her eyes and everything went silent. All of a sudden she heard 3 birds and that was GOD telling her that everything was going to be okay. To her, it represented the father, the son, and the holy spirit. I was touched by her testimony and many more.

Many of the women are still fighting their battle with breast cancer, yet they were able to have a moment of normalcy. So many stories, so may love ones lost and in spite of it all, we were able to laugh, talk and place an ornament on a tree that meant more than just a Christmas decorations. For each ornament, there was a story and those stories will continue to live on.
We shared a lot of  happy moments and some sad but all of us were there for a reason. Everyone says  FUCK CANCER but for some, cancer has brought them closer to God and established new relationships that turn into long-term friendships.

So I say thank you CANCER for making me STRONGER, A FIGHTER, and someone who can help others by creating awareness.

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