Friday, December 9, 2016

Pill for a Lifetime

Tamoxifen is what they call it. TAMOXIFEN, TAMOXIFEN, TAMOXFIEN is all I hear. Now I'm not against it but for me, I'm still in limbo. Is this normal? On one hand do I take to reduce recurrence or do I risk the side effects:

  • blood clots
  • other cancers
  • vision lost
  • weight gain
  • mood swings
  • vaginal irritation
  • Joint pain
  • bone loss
  • depression
  • Hot flashes
  • fertility issues

The list goes on, but all of this is a very low percentage. Well guess what? I am that low percentage. When you think it's all over, it's always something else. I went to get my prescription filled the other day and all I could think about is could this little pill be a matter of life or death? Honestly, I thought it would be a no brainer and for some it may be,but for me, this is a huge decision. Tamoxifen lowers the chance of recurrence. So let me break it down on what Tamoxifen does.

Tamoxifen is used to treat hormone-receptor positive breast cancer.(that's me) My cancer needs the hormone estrogen and progesterone to grow.
The figure below shows how Tamoxifen works. Tamoxifen attaches to the hormone receptor in the cancer cell, blocking estrogen from attaching to the receptor. This slows or stops the growth of the tumor by preventing the cancer cells from getting the hormones they need to grow.

Treatment with Tamoxifen lowers the risk of
  • Breast cancer recurrence
  • Breast cancer in the opposite breast
  • Death from breast cancer
Tamoxifen is a pill taken every day for 5-10 years. The benefits from Tamoxifen last long after you stop taking it.
Now there are some health benefits but not many:
  • Improves cholesterol
  • Helps maintain bone density
Now I have out weighed the pros and the cons. I have spoken with many women about this pill and everyone experience is different. Make sure you do what's best for you. Also, research more information on Susan G. Komen or National Cancer Institute.
Leave comments. Let me know what you think?

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