Friday, December 23, 2016

All I want for Christmas.......

All I want for Christmas is good health. That's not asking for too much right? This Christmas will be very special this year. I get to celebrate another holiday with friends and love ones, eat all the GUMBO I want and enjoy all of  the good food before my New Years resolution lol! Which I'm pretty sure many of us have the same ones.

I will cherish every moment.

Some of  you may be currently going through treatment before the holidays and some of you are just finishing yout last treatment. Remember to always celebrate life throuhh good and bad times.You never know when your last day on earth will be. I finally come to the realization that Christmas is not just about the gifts and spending time with your loves ones. Its a true celebration of LIFE. I am so grateful that I am able to be with my family and to have another Christmas. Whether you are at home or in the hospital, know that you are loved. Know that this fight is only temporary because there will be a light  at the end of the tunnel. 

I never really looked at Christmas decorations but this year is different. I find myself admiring Christmas trees, ornaments, gift wraps and stockings. I feel like I have a brand new set of eyes. Seeing life through a crystal ball. Soaking it all in and appreciating "The Now". Take time to live in the moment because not everything is what it seems.

Exhale, Breath and take a look around, look how far you have come.

Merry Christmas

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