Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Heavy and Steady

Okay. It took exactly 2 in a half months for my period to return. I was jumping for joy because I did not have any HOT-FLASHES, but the doctor told me "when you stop having hot-flashes, then you know it will be soon". Well guess what! It was lol! I enjoyed not having to worry about my period. For some people it could take 6 months, but it depends on your age. Even though having no period is amazing, you still have the thought of wanting it, especially for reasons like not having children yet. I went through the fertility process and have 11 embryos on ice or what I consider "Popsicle babies". So for you ladies out there wondering about when your period will return, don't worry. Enjoy it while it's gone. I'm only speaking from my experience. Some of you may think differently.

Another fact to consider is the doctors will tell you  "you probably won't have a period going through chemo but in my case, I had a period all the way until my last 2 treatments. IT Sucked!!! But hey, at least I know my ovaries were still functioning which is a major concern for some.

I don't know if anyone else experienced cramping during chemo, but I did. The doctor could not figure out what was wrong with me because I was his youngest patient and this is not a common side effect. Lucky me. So, the method we chose to help with cramping was:
  • receiving chemo for a certain amount of time 
  • taking a 15 minute break and resume from there.

This course of action stopped the cramping. Now of course "only me" experience the luxury of the weird side effects but surprisingly once my periods stopped, my cramping stopped. So the conclusion was my ovaries were shutting down. Makes total since I guess!

Ladies, if you are experiencing cramps, don't be alarm. Its just your body telling you that the poison is taking effect. But have no fear, my period return with vengeance but only for 4 days. Heavy and steady!

xoxo Superbritt

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