Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Fertility and Chemo side effects

Okay. How many of you are experiencing changes in your bodies after chemo or during? Well lucky me,  I really did not experience any changes until the end , Oh I forgot weight gain but we already talked about that. So lets get to the nitty gritty.

It was recommended to do fertility treatment because it is a possibility that your ovaries will shut down and you won't have a period. Well, that was music to my ears. Lets face it ladies, we all hate that time of the month but when you are told you may not be able to conceive, it changes your whole perspective. So, I went through the procedure before starting chemotherapy. That's most important. "START BEFORE CHEMOTHERAPHY". Now I hate needles and I am sure I am not the only one being that I had to give myself a shot every freaking day, but it made me a solider. This procedure was easy but the aftermath was painful. This does not happen to everyone. As a matter of fact, my doctor said, I was his only patient that reacted. At the end of it all, I received a called on mother's day that I have 11 embryo's. So I have 11 babies on ice.

I went through a foundation called Live Strong Fertility. They help pay for majority of your fertility medicine which expensive. The only thing I had to pay was for the procedure. Most insurance companies do not pay for fertility. I wonder why??

Anyway, getting a little side track. During my chemo, I still had a period. My doctor was like WOW, I guess you won't be needing your eggs after all. My husband response was " Oh we are using those things, they are already paid for" lol! So lets just say, we will not have the privilege to practice. I was a little disappointed because I looked forward into not having a period. Little did I know, my period stopped when I had TWO MORE TREATMENTS. A little too late for that!

My hair started growing back after my 3rd treatment and by the 7th one, I had a head full of hair but it started to shed all over again, Not a lot. Then that's when I met my worst enemy. HOTFLASHES!! They are the devil. They come and go every hour. I sweat like it's 100 degrees outside and I'm inside with the fan on and air on 60. Now, I know I have this to look forward to when I am older but right now, I'm begging for my period to come back. PLEASE COME BACK!

Lets talk about ACNE. My skin was so clear in the beginning. Smooth, not oily and just looking fabulous. That freaking chemo and steroids was a mix cocktail for acne. I looked like a Dalmatian. Only with just dark skin lol! So, if you are experiencing acne, nothing will help, just keep your face cleanse and moisturize. Now that I am poison free, It is clearing up slowly. Also, my nails did not fall off or turn black, just light brown and they grew like crazy. I should be a case study. I am that 1 in a million person that gets everything.

I like to joke about what's going on with my body in order to not be depress. Sometimes you have to do that. Just know it is temporary and they're so many options out there. Make sure to consult with your doctor about any issue you have. I know going through chemo is not fun but it is what you make of it.

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