Sunday, November 20, 2016

LivingFree and Topless

Mastectomy is an option...... is what my breast surgeon told me. Never had a problem with my breast. Matter of fact, I loved my breast, the size and the perkiness of them lol! Being told you have to get a unwanted boob job because of your age and the chance of recurrences is 70% was mind blowing especially for someone who is only 26 years of age. For any other young woman this probably would be a dream but for me it was a nightmare. You're talking to someone who never had surgery and never thought about having surgery unless it was a mommy makeover (after children).

Coming to the realization that I will no longer have my own was a lot but at the end of the day I knew my boobs were replaceable but my life was not. Researching what a bilateral mastectomy entails was heartbreaking for me knowing that I could no longer breast fed, or have a sexually arousal. That was Breaking News for a 26 year old. I had a good surgeon and he explain the outcome of the surgery and what to expect afterwards.

Bilateral mastectomy is the removal of both breast including majority of your breast tissue and is a major surgery and for some not an easy decision. Below is the paperwork I received on the day I made the decision to chop my boobs off. Pretty simple on paper right?
this is before I had surgery. They staged me at a 1. Now once they went in, it was a different story. It was stage 2B with 3 tumors.
  • Tumor 1-2.5
  • Tumor 2-1.5
  • Tumor 3- 0.5
  • Went into 2 lymph nodes out of the 3 tested but very minimal
I'm pretty sure this looks like chicken scratch but to me it was everything I needed to know.

My breast never defined me as a women. Well let me take that back. According to text book and evolution and what's in stealed in us as young women .Now wait! before the surgery, my thoughts were not feeling complete and not feeling like a complete women, but now I consider them accessories, warrior wounds and represents a strong, phenomenal black women.

Now that I have completed my chemotherapy, it's time to finish my reconstruction and make them even more perfect. Tell me what you think? These were taken before my final surgery. This was my celebration for finishing Chemotherapy. I CELEBRATED MYSELF. I SAW MYSELF AS A BLANK CANVAS and FEELING LIKE BARBIE! Love ya!

PhotoCredit: Todd Patrick
MakeUp: Candace Hampton

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