Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tis the Season

Tis the season to be jolly is what I am looking forward to this year. Amazing how I managed to go through surgery, fertility treatment and chemotherapy less than a year. I find myself staring off into space just wondering, WOW! did I really just go through all of this? Cancer made the world stop around me and my main focus was to get better. It was like being in a movie, watching myself and not being aware of anything around me.

Looking back, to me it was just an "blink of an eye" even though it was 10 MONTHS LOL!

It has definitely change my outlook on life from being this young women ready to tackle the world, planning a future, hesitating on making decisions to now living life in the moment and following your dreams. It takes a strong individual, physical and mentally to go through a cancer diagnoses and what comes with it.

Cancer has allowed me to be free. Not caring what others have to say when it comes to looks, my decisions and MY LIFE. I reach the point where I can just grab life by the balls with no hesitations and do me. I've came to realize that life will not happen as plan, you will have a couple bumps in the road but if you can keep driving with determination, you will lead yourself into a better you and future.

1 comment:

  1. You're a strong women and person! We never know what we're capable of until we're faced with adversities but you definitely faced yours and smashed the hell out of them!! You're definitely SUPER!!!
