Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Revision Holiday

I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving, eating everything in site, filling your belly's and being with love ones. I had my revision reconstruction surgery the week before the holidays, so I was still sore but that did not matter. My family came down for support and my mom cooked a big Thanksgiving feast.

Even though I could not laugh as hard at all the jokes, having them around made my pain not as painful. I'm in week 2 of recovery from surgery and let me just say I am loving the results thus far. I don't want to get too excited, but my doctor did a great job and even had a little liposuction on the sides.

The only issue I am having is the part where he did the liposuction which is normal but it harden up so I have to massage it every single day, but it is getting better. My surgery this time was only 2 in half hours, so it was not that long. The best part was my room. It was a suite. Felt like a hotel room. It was HUGE and I enjoyed every single moment of it.

The procedure:

  • Lift
  • Bigger size went from 480cc to 590cc. Now I know that may sound HUGE, but its not. It depends on your body frame and trust, I  AM NOT a boob girl lol!
  • Liposuction under right arm by the breast. It was creating dimples in my breast.
Caspuslorrhaphy-(Internal Bra)my breast bottomed out. Refer to Crawford Plastic Surgery for additional information but I have the definition below:

Capsulorrhaphy: To elevate the breast and restore a normal appearance, sutures may be placed in the lower pole of the breasts. The capsule that holds the implant is adjusted, and the position and size of pocket is tweaked so the implants sit higher on the chest.

Through it all, I think the best part was seeing the nurse that took care of me for my bilateral mastectomy. She too was going through cancer treatment and she came by to visit. That made my day knowing that she was doing well and LOOKED FABULOUS!

Taking care of someone with the same diagnoses as you while going through your own treatments is true definition selfless. I will always remember and cherish her for the rest of my life. So If you are nervous about getting lumpectomy or bilateral mastectomy just do your research and make sure you are comfortable with your decision because you have to live with it for the rest of your life.

PS:I will post before and afters's later. Love ya!

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